Caving News and Information

July 2018 Meeting was in a cave

Cliff Cave St. Louis County Joe Light caving

Meeting rooms are great for meetings, but the Meramec Valley Grotto decided to have their meeting outside.  Not just outside, but underground.

The Meramec Valley Grotto, a collection of individuals that love caves, went underground for their July 2018 meeting.
It was a typical monthly meeting, but underground.  Grotto business was conducted, and trips were discussed.

The program during the meeting was the history of the cave by Joe Light.

Caves of Sainte Genevieve County

The May 16, 2018 Meeting will host a program about Sainte Genevieve County caves by Alex Litsch.  Learn about the recent discoveries, geology, and see several great maps!

Sainte Genevieve County caves by Alex Litsch
