Caving News and Information

MVG's COG Motion failed

Late in 2010, the Meramec Valley Grotto, submitted a motion to to the Congress of Grottos to discussed and voted on at the 2011 convention.   The motion was for the COG to dissolve itself and the motion failed. 

If you would like to read more about the COG and it's 2011 meeting, click here.

MVG's 2011 COG Motion

After much discussion and debate, the Meramec Valley Grotto has presented a motion to the 2011 Congress of Grottos.  The motion, which is attached, proposes that the Congress of Grottos disolve itself.

Forest Service makes unwise decision regarding their caves

The Mark Twain National Forest, which is situated in the Ozarks of Missouri, announced that all their caves would be closed until 2016. This unwise and overkill of a decision was in response to the White Nose Syndrome threat (WNS). Although a couple of bats have been found to have the fungus that causes WNS, there are ZERO cases of WNS in Missouri.
