Caving News and Information

Canoeing and Caving

On September 11, 2021, twelve MVG members and guests canoed to a great cave, and explored the cave.  We monitored the cave, recorded information on biology, and provided a written report to the MSS and the land owner.   If this sounds like fun to you and you are interested in caving with us, please contact us.


Cave.  Meramec Valley Grotto.  Craig Williams,  Steve Kaub or Steve Cobb



MVG Meeting in Cliff Cave

MVG in Cliff Cave

The Meramec Valley Grotto had their July 2021 meeting inside Cliff Cave.  There was a huge turn out and there was a bonus cave trip.

MSS, CRF, and the Missouri Caving Community - Online Presentation

This presentation will be an overview or project caving in Missouri and describe how the MSS & CRF work to complement one another in conjunction with the Missouri caving community.  Topics covered will be the various services each organization provides, cooperative agreements and partnerships with state and federal agencies and the Missouri Cave Database.
